Lee Kwang-soo suffered the injury in February last year when he was hit by a oto which beat the red light.PHOTO: LEE KWANG-SOO/INSTAGRAM
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SEOUL - South Korean actor Lee Kwang-soo, a stalwart of popular variety show Running Man (2010 khổng lồ present), will be going for a second operation for his ankle injury next month.

Bạn đang xem: Lee kwang

The 36-year-old, one of Running Man"s original cast members, left the show in June after more than 10 years due lớn the injury, which he suffered in February last year when he was hit by a car which beat the red light.

He went for an operation and returned khổng lồ Running Man two weeks after the accident, recording the show in crutches. Many fans expressed concern that his ankle had not healed fully.

Lee was asked about his injury on the latest episode of variety show My Little Old Boy on Sunday (Aug 8).

He said he will be going for an operation next month to fix his ankle as he has completed his filming commitments.

"I was unable to focus fully on my recovery after the accident," he said. "I will be removing the metal pins in my ankle và then focus on physiotherapy."

He is now promoting his latest movie Sinkhole, a disaster comedy which also stars phụ vương Seung-won và Kim Sung-kyun and was invited khổng lồ this year"s Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland.

In an interview with TV Chosun, he was asked if he would ever return to Running Man.

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He said he was unsure at the moment, but welcomed the idea as it would feel like returning to lớn his "hometown", even though he would feel strange going back as a guest instead of a regular cast member.

Some fans have referred to Lee"s departure from Running Man as a return lớn his "real job" of acting, as he is also known for his roles in television serials such as It"s Okay, That"s Love (2014) and The Sound Of Your Heart (2016).

Lee said he did not feel any different whether he was acting or on Running Man.

"I don"t feel any pressure to show a different side of me just because I am not on Running Man," he said.

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