Girls' Generation Goes to lớn School is a South Korean reality show starring the popular South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. The show documents the debut of the nine members of Girls' Generation and their associated troubles và ventures. Most of the episodes revolve around the group's unofficial debut & first public performances through the show, School of Rock.

Bạn đang xem: Girls' generation goes to school show Series ID 247151 Status Ended First Aired July 27, 2007 Airs Friday, at 4:00pm Runtimes trăng tròn minutes (9 episodes) Original Language English Episode Screenshot Format 4:3 Screencap Favorited This series has been favorited by 0 people. Created April 6, 2011 by pben Modified November 13, 2019 by Administrator

Jessica Jung as * needs role-specific image


Kwon Yuri as * needs role-specific image


Choi Soo-young as * needs role-specific image


im Yoona as * needs role-specific image


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